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Common associations in CHD include:

a) Noonan syndrome and Pyloric regurgitation

b) Williams syndrome and Supravalvular Pulmonary Stenosis

c) Tetralogy of Fallot and an egg-shaped heart on chest x-ray

d) Coarctation of the Aorta and a bicuspid aortic valve

d) Asymptomatic Mobitz type I AV block and the need for preoperative pacing.

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Answer d. A biscupid aortic valve is seen in 80% of coarctations. Noonan syndrome is associated with pulmonary stenosis. Williams syndrome is associated with supravalvular aortic stenosis, and Tetralogy of Fallot is associated with a boot-shaped cardiac silhouette on x-ray. Pre-operative pacing is not required for asymptomatic Mobitz type I AV block, but is required for Mobitz type II block.


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